Friday, December 14, 2018

Postcards from Bali #ChelleinBali

Aye Mates!!
How are y'all? Hope y'all are well. Today I want to share some snaps that me and my friends took while I'm on Bali last month. I went to Bali for corporate outing with my colleagues. It was ah-mazing that we want more and as for me I really left my heart in Bali and need to come back ASAP. The last time I went to Bali was almost 10 years ago, so loads (really loads) of things change. 

On the first day, we landed quite late so we went straight to dinner at Warung Eropa. I ordered Nasi Bali. It tastes so good and the portion is huge doe for me. Will definitely be back for more. Afterward we went straight to hotel. We stayed at Seminyak area, Courtyard by Marriott Bali Seminyak Resort. Since the night is still young in Bali (even tough it's past midnight), we headed out, at first we wanted to go to La Favela but it's too packed and the queue is just crazy so we went to the bar across from it (I forgot the name of it), we ordered vanilla milkshake and it was so so so good (I know, don't judge me). It's great to just hang and chat with my friends feeling the chill vibe. I noticed that loads of aesthetic looking shops around Seminyak and really want to pay a visit but too bad I don't have any free time to visit, next time maybe.

Second day, we had fun activity schedule, which is ATV rides. We were given choice ATV, rafting, cycling. Wanted to do cycling at first but all my friends chose ATV so I just tag along. My final thought on ATV ride: AH-MAZING!! It's an experience you need to try at least once, it's very adventurous going through the deep forest and passing the natures. In the afternoon, we just went to the gala dinner at Finns VIP Beach Club. Palm trees everywhere and I wish I could just live here forever lol. Playing at the beach catching sunset is just so fun and relaxing. OMG can't lie that I really love the chill vibe here in Bali, it just made me feel so alive and be able to breath. Oh and I also won a Kindle from this outing (and I sold it to my friends huahaha and now I'm regretting it). At night we went to La Favela and just had the time of our lives lol.

-Cheers, Michelle
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Snapchat & Carousell: Booitsmichelle

Friday, October 19, 2018

Kin's Fresh Milk from A2 Cows #ChellesReview

Aye Mates!

Remember my last post where I talked about Kin’s fresh milk made from A2 cows? So today after consuming it couple of times, it’s time for the full review.

I drink this Kin fresh milk just the way it is or sometimes I dip my oreo into the full cream one and it’s like a perfect combination, you can actually drink this Kin fresh to accompany your cereal as well. I usually drank this Kin fresh milk most of the time during the mid-day at around 3-4PM, critical time for munching to snacks or sometimes for breakfast. Let’s be real, drinking milk for breakfast is actually one of my biggest fear hahahaa because consuming milk in the morning gives me stomachache sometimes and the pain will last throughout the whole day, it’s just a torture. I don’t feel like doing anything once I have stomachache because I would probably want to curled up in my bed like a rolled potato because it’s just so painful and distracting sometimes.

 At first when I heard all the goodness from the A2 cows that differs from regular milk that contain both A1 and A2 protein, I’m in awe like it sounded like magic to me but at the same time I’m reluctant because is it really working that effectively? BUT TO MY SURPRISE!! After drinking this Kin fresh milk, I did not get stomachache like how I used to and its amazing! I can finally drink milk for breakfast at peace. This one bottle can keep me full for some while which is a good thing so I don’t have to sneakily munching to “micin” or unhealthy snacks. I know I’m not the only one here who snacks on “micin” all the time eh? HAHAHAHA

As y’all know I’m currently working in a bank, doing a real-office-job, 8 hours in a day, sitting in front of a computer and what’s bad is that I noticed throughout my days, I EAT ALL THE TIME!! I don’t know why but I just feel so hungry all the time, so I can’t help myself but munching to snacks all the time. Worries no more, now if I have the urge to snacking I can just drink this Kin fresh milk. It’s much healthier and the taste just suits me so well. Perfect for an office worker like me that couldn’t get enough exercise but still want to stay healthy. Milk is rich in calcium and good for your bones. Especially in my early 20s it’s better to prevent since early stage rite? 

While on the weekend I will try my best to stay active and do some exercise (well mostly dancing to KPOP songs are what I called “exercise” doe HAHAHAA). Because of that exercise I need to stay full but not too full and Kin fresh milk is definitely my go-to-pick because it keeps me full just right. Especially for a milk addict like me, this Kin fresh milk that’s made from A2 cows are perfect because it doesn’t give me stomachache (I’m lactose intolerance btw). The size of the bottle is perfect to just slip in my bag and run some weekend errands. While on traffic or on the go, I can just take a sip and I’m good yauss. Don’t worry  if you think plastic bottle is not safe etc, Kin fresh milk is the only milk products that’s packed in bottle with UV light barrier to guarantee the product with no preservatives or additives. I let my family and friends tried em too and they really like it too. 

My favorite one out of the whole range is obviously the chocolate one. It’s so creamy and feels like a chocolate just melt in my mouth. Y’all should try the other flavors as well, full cream and coffee. The coffee one taste so unique and fresh, it’s just new flavor to me. I can taste the creaminess of the caffeine. The full cream is definitely will be everyone’s top favorite. Because it’s so versatile and you can just combine it with anything, oreo, cereal, snacks, you name it. Kin fresh milk is made from high quality A2 cows, where they really take a very good care of the cows extra carefully. Kin fresh milk that comes from A2 cows won’t cause nauseous feels as stated by Ms Tiffany Pratiwi Suwandi, brand manager from Kin. This Kin fresh milk is 100% fresh milk from A2 cows with no preservatives added into it which is great.

Final verdict for this Kin fresh milk from A2 cows, AH-MAZING!! I think it’s an innovative yea for substituting milk that usually contains mixed of both A1 and A2 cows proteins into a milk that FULLY contain protein from A2 cows only. I think Kin is the first one here in Indonesia to launch fresh milk that fully made from A2 cows. Which is a brilliant idea since there are many people that are lactose intolerance and people that’s not used to consuming milk. You can get yourself this Kin fresh milk at your nearest minimarket and supermarket, follow their instagram @kindairyid and check out The fresh milk from Kin is definitely my new found love!

Thanks for reading and See you again soon!

-Cheers, Michelle
Snapchat & Carousell: Booitsmichelle

Friday, October 5, 2018

A2 Cows Milk To The Rescue

Aye Mates!

Anyone di sini ada yang suka minum susu kah? Aku personally suka banget minum susu especially yang rasa coklat. Semua jenis minuman lainnya juga aku musti tambahin susu, seperti teh susu, kopi susu, dan even rasa manis pun aku demennya yang milky” creamy” gituuuu~ FYI aja nih ku sebenarnya tidak terlalu deman rasa manis. Aku personally minum susu setiap hari musti setidaknya sekali, yes I’m just that addicted~ kayak kalo belum merasakan susu in a day tuh kayaknya masih ada yang kurang gituuu.

Today aku mau sharing sedikit mengenai habit aku minum susu. Jujur nih yahh~ aku sebenarnya sedikit lactose intolerant. Apa itu lactose intolerant? Jadi lactose intolerant itu kondisi di mana tubuh kita tidak bisa mencerna gula (lactose) yang terkandung dalam dairy products. Biasa lactose intolerant itu dapat terdeteksi dengan diri kita sendiri. Biasa symptoms” yang menandakan kita itu lactose intolerant adalah setengah jam hingga dua jam setelah mengkonsumsi dairy products akan merasakan gejala eneg, mual, atau bahkan diare. Makanya jujur setelah aku mengkonsumsi susu, aku selalu sakit perut. Makanya jujur aku sedikit menyiksa diri yah kesannya, udah tau sering sakit perut setiap abis konsumsi susu masih terus aja diminum. Duh emang susu itu guilty pleasure ku banget. Meskipun bikin sakit perut tetap aja diminum terus. By the way, did y’all know masih sedikit sekali orang Indonesia yang minum susu.  Berdasarkan data Kementerian Pertanian tahun 2016, konsumsi susu di Indonesia saat ini masih lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan negara ASEAN lainnya. Sebagian orang melewatkan manfaat dari susu sapi segar karena merasa mual, menimbulkan diare, atau karena alergi. Sementara manfaat susu sangat penting untuk pemenuhan nutrisi. Susu mengandung nutrisi lengkap yang terdiri dari protein, lemak, dan karbohidrat sebagai sumber energi, mineral, dan vitamin untuk mendukung fungsi tubuh.

"Lalu bagaimana cara mengatasinya?"

Sekarang ada Kin Fresh Milk, susu berkelas dari sapi teratas. Aku to be honest suka banget sama product Kin, yang original yogurt mereka enak banget. Padahal aku jarang banget bisa suka sama yogurt. Terlebih lagi Kin Fresh Milk ini terbuat dari 100% susu alami, tanpa ada yang ditambahkan atau dikurangi kandungannya. “Eh Chelle, fresh milk? Sama aja dong kayak susu biasa?” Eitsssss tunggu dulu, Kin Fresh Milk itu bukanlah susu biasa. Karena susu ini terbuat dari sapi A2 yang mengandung protein A2 tanpa protein A1 yang membuat susu ini lebih mudah dicerna dan nyaman di perut. Jadi tidak menyebabkan gejala eneg, mual, atau bahkan diare. Kemajuan penelitian dan teknologi telah banyak menghadirkan terobosan yang memberikan kebaikan bagi kehidupan manusia.  Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pengembangan industri susu sapi perah telah menemukan sapi jenis A2 yang dipercaya dapat menghasilkan susu yang lebih baik bagi tubuh manusia. 

Well I understand mungkin masih ada beberapa di antara kalian masih bingung kan apa bedanya susu A2 dengan susu biasa? Worry not, because I’m here to explain the difference for you guys. Susu biasa mengandung 40% protein A1 dan 60% protein A2, tentu saja dua kandungan dalam susu itu dapat terjadi karena rekayasa genetik dari sapi yang dikawinkan secara silang. Sedangkan susu A2 ini dari sapi khusus atau sapi pilihan yang sudah diseleksi secara ketat. Susu A1 memiliki asam amino histidine dan susu A2 memiliki asam amino prolin. 

Protein A1, enzim tubuh memecahnya pada histidine yang kemudian menciptakan fragmen protein yang disebut dengan senyawa beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7). Fragmen tersebut mempengaruhi pencernaan dan menghasilkan serangkaian gejala-gejala yang telah kusebutkan sebelumnya. Sedangkan dalam susu A2, tidak terdapat senyawa BCM-7 dan hanya asam amino prolin sehingga dinilai lebih bersahabat untuk fungsi pencernaan. Asam amino prolin yang terkandung dalam susu sapi A2 ini juga dinilai bermanfaat dalam menjaga otot dan sendi. dr. Rizal Alaydrus, MSc. menjelaskan, “Gejala mual, kembung, dan/atau diare setelah mengonsumi susu terjadi karena kandungan protein beta casein A1 dalam susu yang bereaksi dengan protein pencernaan lainnya di dalam tubuh, sehingga memicu gejala yang menyerupai intoleransi terhadap laktosa, seperti ketidaknyamanan perut, flatulensi (akumulasi gas berlebih dalam perut dari usus besar), kembung, dan diare yang terjadi setelah mengonsumsi produk susu.”
Akhir-akhir ini susu sapi A2 lagi hype banget nih di dunia kesehatan karena potensinya dalam menjadi susu sapi lebih baik dari segi nutrisi maupun toleransi untuk pencernaan. Susu yang hanya mengandung protein A2 dipercaya lebih mudah dicerna oleh tubuh dan utrisinya lebih mudah diserap. Sapi A2 didapat dari proses seleksi alami dengan melalui seleksi tes DNA, tanpa rekayasa genetik.

Anton Budiharjo, Marketing Manager KIN menjelaskan, “Sebagian orang banyak mengalami reaksi pada tubuhnya sesaat setelah mengonsumsi susu dan menganggap hal itu adalah normal. Reaksi yang dirasakan diantaranya adalah rasa tidak nyaman di perut seperti rasa kembung, eneg, bahkan mulas. Padahal seharusnya minum susu sama seperti kita mengonsumsi minuman lain yang tidak menimbulkan respon di perut. Banyak orang menduga hal ini disebabkan karena mereka lactose intolerant, padahal bisa jadi karena tubuhnya tidak dapat mencerna protein A1 yang terdapat dalam susu.”

Nah keren banget ga sih, kalo dari hal-hal sebelumnya yang sudah ku uraikan di atas. Aku personally very very very interested with this Kin fresh milk yang terbuat dari 100% susu alami dan susu dari sapi A2. Setelah membaca benefits dari susu sapi A2 aku benar-benar pingin sekali nyobain dan ngebuktiin sendiri. Apalagi in my case aku lactose intolerant. Kalau susu A2 benar-benar tidak menyebabkan eneg, mual, atau diare, aku sangat tertolong and just feel blessed, karena Kin fresh milk yang terbuat dari sapi A2 ini bisa dengan mudah ditemukan di minimarket dan supermarket terdekat kalian loh~ Apalagi susu Kin fresh milk ini terdiri dari tiga rasa, yaitu full cream, chocolate, dan coffee. As a chocolate milk lover, I know I’m in love with this one already. Tapi yang bikin sangat penasaran itu yang rasa coffee sih. As a fan of kopi susu who know rasa dari susu ini tidak kalah enaknya dengan kopi susu biasa. For more informations regarding Kin product bisa dicek di website mereka dan jangan lupa follow social media atau Instagram Kin @kindairyid buat segala informasi mengenai product mereka.

So yeah, I’m so so excited to try out this products dan ditunggu postku selanjutnya yah untuk update terkait kondisiku setelah mengkonsumsi susu dari Kin ini. 

Thank you for your time to read it till the end, if you made it till the end props to you! Mucho love mates!!

-Cheers, Michelle
Snapchat & Carousell: Booitsmichelle