Sunday, July 26, 2015


Apparel After Dark's Tee ~ HM's Snapback ~ SwaggieUnicorn_Closet (Instagram)'s Chockers Set ~ New Look's Creepers ~ Cotton On's Socks

Ayee Mates!!
I know its been such a while since my last post, its not that I don't miss blogging or busy with life, its just that umm I guess I'm having an identity crisis (inspired from my blogger friend ce Mei) lol yes mates TheSwaggieUnicorn is currently stuck and lost in her deep thoughts. I wish I could tell you everything but if I did one thing I know people will bash me, even tough I don't really care what people think but I just don't want to deal with it. So to sums up everything, what I've been trying to say is that blogging world is just for plastics (this is my own term so don't directly pull a conclusion, its not a bad thing). Also for me fashion is not all about brand. Some people or bloggers themselves, I noticed that they pulled out a statement "Fashion is all about brand, if you don't wear brand then you're not fashionistas" or "As long as you're pretty you don't have to care what you're wearing, because people will still like you no matter what" or "You need to be skinny to be a bloggers or wear something cute" or "How many followers do you have on blog or other social media?" or "Bloggers must go to fashion school", these statements just gave me pet-peeves for some reasons (especially the last one since I'm studying accounting major in college, like so what?). I blog for my own joy and a form of stress relief and how I enjoy my relaxing free time. I'm very grateful for my followers on blog for still following me because I wouldn't even thought I will have followers during my first era blogging. I am beyond grateful that some people still read my post not just scrolling for the photos, that means a lot to me because it also means you guys enjoy reading my blog? I guess. Well, I can't tell or spills my honest thought rite now because I can't think of words to describe it, all I know is that I am currently lost in blogging world. there. So I guess I will made a separate post and video on my channel to spills my honest thoughts about everything (sounded like a coming out vid), see you then for now thanks for reading, I love you mates for reading till the end *smoochies* :))
*ps. I'm not trying to offend anyone its just my honest deep thoughts, not all people will agree with me but yeah I just want to shared these because I want to. If you feel offended or you said that I unintentionally offend you then I'm sorry but again its my own personal thoughts. thankyou :)
Btw, add me on snapchat @booitsmichelle because I'm always there and I always add people back because I love to see snapchat stories. Also don't forget to subscribe to my channel because I'm into video making lately.

// Watch My Latest Vid HERE //

-cheer, michelle
snapchat: booitsmichelle


  1. Well I totally agree with you. I'm not a fashion student, I don't wear branded things, i'm not skinny nor pretty, I don't even have thousands of followers on blog or any social media. But I love to write. I blog for myself and if I inspire others it's good. You must feel the same way. You're a great blogger. Keep blogging and please don't listen to others :))
    I want to write more comment but it's getting too long LOL!!


    1. Awwww~ first, thankyou for reading and second, thanks for the sweet and encouraging words, it really means a lot (sounded cheesy but its true) :') *smoochiess*

      xoxo, michelle

  2. looks very cool dear! my fav look<3 btw, i really agree with you, we blog because we love to write... ._. hehe keep blogging and happy dear!


    1. Awww~ thankyou dear :))
      thanks for the encouraging words really means a lot to meee *smoochiessss* <33

      xoxo, michelle

  3. This is such a cute look, you look adorable, girl. Cool hat! Lovely blog here btw! Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. Thank you.

  4. Aaah! transparent clutch-nya lucu sekaliiii! Itu foto yang ada emoji uang-nya edit pakai apa sih?

    Anyway, I agree that all of the statement you mentioned above are bullshit. But I admit that the second one, "As long as you're pretty you don't have to care what you're wearing, because people will still like you no matter what" is sadly true. I experienced that my self. People will act nicer toward you if you are prettier or dress nicer. Aku pernah ngemall langsung habis selesai kuliah. Without make up, without dressing up. masuk toko di salah satu mall dan itu nggak enak banget pelayanannya. Kemana-mana diikutin kayak mau maling. Waktu itu emang aku nggak pake pakaian macem-macem sih. habisnya aku emang nggak pernah pake pakaian aneh2 kalo kuliah (paling mentok blus & jeans). Penjaga tokonya juga nggak sabaran banget orang lagi liat-liat. Jadi serba salah deh mau beli males karena penjaga tokonya nggak sopan, Nggak beli juga muka si penjaga toko nggak enak. Padahal sama pengunjung lain nggak gitu2 amat deh sikapnya. Pengunjung lain disenyumin ramah, akunya nggak. Jadi baper kan T_T

    Maap yaaa michelle jadi curhat :D

    Take care,
    Rizuna from 100% Nerd

    1. edit pake phonto hehehee
      yes I totally know how u feel there~ I experienced it myself too once and it feels so annoying and uncomfortable at some point, that's why I wrote this, people perceptions are just weird these days ._.
      hahaha its okayy, love to hear your story thooo :))

      xoxo, michelle

  5. Aiguuuu what happened chelle? We blog bcs we want to rite hahahaha how about me, i don't even post a specific outfit post by now, just any random articles such as beauty, travel and stuffs.

    Anw, despite of all people blabbered abt you... your outfit is always slay gurl! Suka bgt yg ini sooo cool in black lah. You slayed evrything chelle! :)

    1. deep thoughts of mine liss hahahaha
      awwww~ thankyou so much bebskiii *smoochiesss* :))

      xoxo, michelle

  6. Great style!! Sukak semuanya dari atas sampe bawah!! xD


  7. You look stunning! LOVEE your t shirt dress, thanks for sharing:) Do you want to support each other's blog by following each other?:) Please let me know if you do so I can follow you right back x


    1. thanks dear and I just did followed you :))

      xoxo, michelle

  8. I get your point. Honestly, that was my thought at first. The world blogging has somehow driven itself to a whole new level where fashion dominates the community. It's starting to dictate how bloggers nowadays should be. I've been blogging since 2009 and I blog for the sake of myself, to pour out my hobby (which is writing and graphic designing). We shouldn't really feel to compete with anyone on this field tho. Blogging is to connect with people who have the same passion with you :)


    1. yeah I didn't meant "compete" feeling thoo but I couldn't agree more with you on the blogging is to connect people with same passions, I'm very grateful that I met a lot of awesome people that have the same passion as me which I rarely find at my school, so yeah I really thank blogging world for that, hope we can be friend too :))

      xoxo, michelle
